Senin, 30 April 2012

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ( #4 )


We use these to express a reason.
We use because before a clause (a sentence subject verb and complement).
Use because of when you put the noun after the reason.
I went to sleep because I was tired.
[Use because and NOT because of >> it is followed by a sentence I (Subject) was (verb) tired (complement)]

I had to go early to the office because of the meeting
[Use because of >> it is followed by a noun (meeting)]

-Maria left the party because she was feeling sick.
-Carlos couldn't play because of his injury (lesion).
-I didn't pass the test because I didn't study.
-I feel so sad because of his death.

Because often introduces new information which is not known to the listener/reader. It puts more emphasis on the reason. When the reason is the most important part of the sentence, the because-clause usually comes at the end.
  • We had dinner after ten o' clock because dad arrived late.
  • He bought a new home because he won a lottery.
  • I read because I like reading.
A because-clause can stand alone.
  • Why are you crying? Because John hit me.

1. Please don’t let your children walk alone __________the walkway is slippery when wet.
2. Alex missed the penalty _______________lack of concentration.
3. ____________thick fog at the airport, Louis and Tim had to stay in Ankara one more day.
4. Unfortunately she had to give up singing _____________she had a serious throat problem.
5. You are not allowed to enter this secured area _________you don’t have an official permit.
6. We decided to buy that house ______________ its low price.
7. _____________the elecrticity was cut off, we went to bed early.
8. We can’t go to school by public transport tomorrow ____________ the srtike.
9. I had to overwork last week _____________my manager wanted me to finish the reports.
10. People always trust him _______________his honesty.

  • Noun is used as a subject or an object.
  • Noun Clause is used as a subject. In other words, a noun clause is used in the same ways as a noun.
  • Noun Clause is a clause functioning as a Noun. It has it's own subject and verb. 
  • Noun Clause can't stand alone as a sentence. It must be connected to an independent clause, a main clause.
  • Because of it's function as a noun, the noun clause can occupy the following positions:
            1. Subject of a sentence
            2. Object of a transitive verb
            3. Object of a preposition
            4. Complement
            5. Noun in apposition  

  • According to the original sentence types, Noun Clause can be classified into 4 types, namely : 
            1.      Statement
            2.      Question
            3.      Request
            4.      Exclamation

  • The Example of Noun Clauses.
  1. Her story was interesting =====> What he said was interesting.
  2. I heard her story =====> I heard what she said.
  3. I liked his jacket =====> I liked what he wore.
  4. His performance was amazing =====> What he shew was amazing.

  • Noun Clauses which begin with "a Question words". 
  1. Where did Frank go? =====> I don't know where he went.
  2. What is that boy's name? =====> I don't know what his name is.
  3. When is that girl's birthday? =====> I don't know when her birthday.
  4. Who lives there? =====> I don't know who lives there.
  5. Why did Fernando leave? =====> I don't know why he left.
  6. How old is Peter? =====> I don't know how old he is.

  • Noun Clauses which begin with "WHETHER" or "If".
  1. Will Alex come? =====> I don't know (whether / if) he will come or not.
  2. Is David at home? =====> I don't know (whether / if) David is at home or not.
  3. Does she need help? =====> I wonder (whether / if) she needs help.
  4. Did Luiz go to Bali? =====> I wonder (whether / if) Luiz went to Bali.

  • Noun Clauses which begin with "THAT".
  1. I think that she is a good actress.
  2. I feel that he will do well on the exam.
  3. I doubt that he will come today.
  4. It's a fact that Nicholas is a good student.
  5. I regret that she failed on the test.
  • Question words followed by Infinitives.
  1. Please tell me where I should meet you.
  2. I don't know what I should do.
  3. He told me where to find it.

Not Only But Also

When not only is followed by but also (or simply but), it's considered good form to make sure the parts that follow each set of words are formatted the same way.

·         He is not only a great swimmer, but also a great musician. (Good: the sentence uses two noun clauses, which are underlined.)

·         He is not only a great swimmer, but also plays amazing music. (Bad: the sentence uses a noun clause and a verb clause. It's bad because they don't match.)

You could make the second example better by rewriting it with two verb clauses:

·         He not only swims with ease, but also plays amazing music

  • Mr. Anderson is not only accused, but also convicted.

1.My friend, Jack, likes ....... Tina and Riana.
a. Either           c. Or
b. Both             d. Nor
2. ........... the girl or the women do not wait in the room.
a. Either           c. Neither       
b. Does            d. Both
3. ........... the girl or the women ............ not in the room at the moment.
a. Either – is                 c. Neither
b. Neither – were        d. Neither – was
4. Neither my brothers ............... my friends are at school every day.
a. And              c. Or
b. But also       d. Nor
5. Neither the boys ............ the man.............. here every day by car.
a. Or – came    c. Nor – come
b. And – wait   d. Nor – comes
6. My father .................... likes swimming but also likes playing tennis.
a. Not only       c. Only
b. Neither        d. Both
7. ............... the boys but also the girl .................. English very day.
a. Not only – study       c. Not only – practises
b. Not only – learn      d. Not only – practise
8. ............... my English teacher and my headmaster .................. very kind and smart.
a. Both – is       c. Or – are
b. Both – are   d. Nor – are
9. We should learn to accept our weaknesses and our strengths.
(not only...but also)


Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita tidak dapat mengatakan seperti "we do something", "we did something" atau "we are going to do something" jika kenyataannya orang lain yang mengerjakan perkerjaan itu. Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kalau Anda berkata "I am going to cut my hair", berarti Anda duduk di kursi, di depan cermin, dan dengan gunting di tangan Anda, Anda memotong rambut Anda sendiri.
Maka untuk mengatakan bahwa orang lain lah yang mengerjakan perkerjaan itu untuk kita, maka strukturnya yang tepat adalah to have something done:
  1. I am going to have my hair cut.
  2. I have my car serviced every two months.
  3. We had the house redecorated over the summer
Anda boleh juga menggunakan kata "get" sebagai pengganti "have":
  1. I am going to get my hair cut.
  2. I get my car serviced every two months.
  3. We got the house redecorated over the summer.

  1. Yesterday, (I / cut / my hair) .
  2. Every Friday, (Joe / wash / his car) .
  3. Tomorrow, (she / repair / her shower) .
  4. Each Saturday, (we / deliver / a pizza) to our home.
  5. Last year, (Bob / clean / his house) by a charwoman.
  6. As Phil had a broken arm, (he / type / his texts) by his secretary.
  7. (I / pick up / the goods) tomorrow in the afternoon.
  8. (we / redecorate / our walls) last summer.
  9. Whenever Clara is staying at this hotel, (she / carry / her bags) into her room.
  10. (we / organise / our last party) by professionals.


Degree of Comparison atau sering juga disebut dengan "Comparative Degree" adalah bentuk keterangan yang berfungsi untuk membandingkan kualitas, kondisi, besar dll dari satu benda dengan benda yang lainnya. Sebelum kita membahas mengenai topik ini, ada baiknya kita mengingat bentuk kaidah-kaidah perubahan kata sifat menjadi tingkat lebih (comparative) dan tingkat paling (superlative).

1. Kata Sifat dengan 1 suku kata

Kata sifat yang terdiri dari 1 suku kata, seperti big, small, old, thin, dll kita hanya perlu menambahkan akhiran "-er" untuk tingkat lebih (Comparative) dan akhiran "-est" untuk tingkat paling (Superlative).
  • Big - bigger - biggest = Besar - Lebih besar - Paling besar
  • Small - smaller - smallest = Kecil - Lebih kecil - paling kecil
  • Thin - thinner - thinnest = Tipis - lebih tipis - paling tipis
  • Old - older - oldest = Tua - lebih tua - paling tua
  • Dll.
Contoh Kalimat:
  • Your house is bigger than mine, but Alex's house is the biggest.
    (Rumahmu lebih besar daripada rumahku, tapi rumahnya Alex lah yang paling besar.)
  • Your house is smaller than Alex's, but mine is the smallest.
    (Rumahmu lebih kecil daripada rumahnya Alex, tapi rumahkulah yang paling kecil)
  • You should bring the thinner book.
    (Kamu seharusnya membawa buku yang lebih tipis)
  • I am 20 years old. Budi is 21 years old. Andi is 22 years old.
    • I am younger than Budi and Budi is younger than Andi. I am the youngest boy here.
      (Saya lebih muda daripada Budi dan Budi lebih muda daripada Andi. Saya anak yang paling muda disini)
    • Andi is older than Budi and Budi is older than I am, so Andi is the oldest.
      (Andi lebih tua daripada Budi dan Budi lebih tua daripada saya, jadi Andi yang paling tua)

2. Kata Sifat yang lebih dari 1 suku kata

Kata sifat yang terdiri lebih dari 1 suku kata, maka kita perlu menambahkan kata "more" sebelum kata benda untuk tingkat lebih (Comparative) dan "most" untuk tingkat paling (Superlative).
  • Beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful = Cantik - Lebih cantik - Paling Cantik
  • Expensive - more expensive - most expensive = Mahal - Lebih mahal - Paling mahal
  • Interesting - more interesting - most interesting = Menarik - Lebih menarik - paling menarik
  • Dll
Contoh Kalimat:
  • You look more beautiful with that dress, still I am the most beautiful woman in this party.
    (Kamu kelihatan lebih cantik dengan gaun itu, tapi tetap saja akulah yang paling cantik di pesta ini.)
  • My Handphone is more expensive than yours but Jack's is the most expensive Handphone here.
    (HPku lebih mahal daripada punyamu, tapi HPnya Jacklah yang paling mahal disini)

3. Kata Sifat yang berakhiran dengan huruf "y"

Khusus untuk kata sifat yang berakhiran huruf "y" walaupun terdiri lebih dari 1 suku kata, maka kita harus menambahkan akhiran "-er" untuk tingkat lebih (Comparative) dan akhiran "-est" untuk tingkat paling (Superlative) dengan terlebih dahulu mengganti akhiran "y" tadi menjadi "i".
  • Happy - happier - happiest - Senang - Lebih senang - paling senang
  • Easy - easier - easiest - Mudah - Lebih mudah - paling mudah
  • Busy - busier - busiest - Sibuk - lebih sibuk - paling sibuk
Contoh Kalimat:
  • I am the happiestman in this world.
    (Saya adalah orang yang paling bahagia di dunia ini!)
  • This examination is easier than I imagined before.
    (Ujian ini lebih mudah dari yang saya bayangkan sebelumnya)

4. Kata Sifat yang berakhiran dengan some, ow, le, dan er

Khusus kata sifat yang berakhiran "-some", "-ow", "-le", dan "-er", Anda dapat menambahkan kata "more" atau "er" sebelum kata benda untuk tingkat lebih (Comparative) dan "most" atau "est" untuk tingkat paling (Superlative). Namun pada umumnya, awalan "more" dan "most" paling banyak digunakan.
  • Handsome - more handsome/handsomer - most handsome/handsomest
  • Narrow - more narrow/narrower - most narrow/narrowest
  • Gentle - more gentle/gentler - most gentle/gentlest
  • Clever - more clever/cleverer - most clever/cleverest
Contoh kalimat:
  • I think Yusuf is the most handsome people in this class.
    (Saya rasa Yusuf adalah orang tertampan di kelas ini)
  • His brother is cleverer than he is.
    (Abangnya lebih pintar daripada dia)

5. Kata Sifat  tak beraturan

Ada beberapa kata sifat yang mempunyai bentuk tidak beraturan untuk Comparative dan Superlative-nya.
  • Good - well - best = Baik - Lebih baik - Paling baik
  • Bad - worse - worst = Jelek - lebih jelek - paling jelek
  • Little - less - least = Sedikit - lebih sedikit - paling sedikit
  • Much - more - most = Banyak - lebih banyak - paling banyak
  • Many - more - most = Banyak - lebih banyak - paling banyak
  • Far - further/farther - furthest/farthest = Jauh - lebih jauh - paling jauh
  • Dll
Contoh kalimat:
  • He is good at tennis and he is the best player of the year.
    (Dia pandai bermain tenis dan dia adalah pemain tenis terbaik sepanjang tahun)
  • The Simpsons gets more points than The Hunts does.
    (Keluarga Simpson memperoleh lebih banyak poin daripada keluarga Hunt)

6. Kata Sifat lainnya

Polite, quiet, wicked, pleasant, tired, cruel, stupid memiliki 2 jenis tingkat perbandingannya seperti yang berlaku pada kata sifat jenis no. 4. Namun, ada baiknya menggunakan more dan most untuk tingkat lebih dan tingkat paling-nya.
  • Her sister behaves more politely than she does.
    (Adiknya lebih sopan daripada dia)
  • She is the stupidest student in the class.
    (Dia adalah murid yang terbodoh di kelas itu)

7. Kata Sifat yang tidak dapat dibuat tingkat perbandingannya (Absolute Adjectives)

Untuk penjelasan ini, silahkan cari pada situs ini tentang Absolute Adjectives, yaitu kata sifat yang tidak dapat digunakan dalam bentuk Comparative dan Superlative.
  • Wrong, right, single, empty, full, equal, correct, unique, universal, perfect, pregnant, dll.
  • My bucket is emptier than his. (SALAH)
    (Ember saya lebih kosong daripada embernya)
  • My bucket is empty but his's not.
    (Ember saya kosong tetapi embernya tidak)


1. Andi is 165 cm tall. Donna is 167 cm tall. So, Donna is _________ than Andi.
2. My father is 45 years old. My mother is 46 years old. So, My mother is _________
than my father.
3. A buffalo is big. But, an elephant is ________ than a cow.
4. Bengawan Solo river is long but Nil river is ________ than Bengawan Solo river.
5. Most students think Mathematic is ___________ than Social Science.
6. Roger is 12 years old. Danu is 15 years old. So, Roger is ______ than Danu.
7. A hill is __________ than a mountain.
8. A horse runs __________ than a goat.
9. A car’s price is usually __________ than a motorbike’s price.
10. The red jacket is 60,000 rupiahs. The blue jacket costs 75,000 rupiahs. The red jacket
is ________ than the blue jacket.


Adjective : Kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun/pronoun.
Adverb : Kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan verb, adjective, dan adverb yang lain.
Example :
1. The train is fast. (Adjective)
2. The train runs fast. (Adverb)

B. Peletakan Adjective.
1. Adj + noun
Exp: Good boys.
2. *Indefinite pronoun + Adj
Exp: Something special.
3. S + to be/linking verb** + Adj
Exp: She is beautiful, She looks beautiful.
* Indenfinite Pronoun : someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything, no one, no body, nothing, everyone, everybody, everything.
** Linking Verb : appear, become, feel, look, remain (tetap), seem, sound, stay, taste, smell.

C. Peletakan Adverb.
1. Adv + S + V + O
Exp: Finally, he did it.
2. S + Adv + V + O
Exp: She always studies hard.
3. S + V + O + Adv
Exp: He went to school.
4. S + to be + Adv (nominal sentence)
Exp: We are at home.
5. Adv + adv/adj
Exp: So slow or so slowly.

1. He is a boy. (clever)

2. He is tired because he has worked . (hard)

3. He isn’t tired because he has worked. (hard)

4. She is a girl. (quiet)

5. She went to bed . (quiet)

6. He is not a good student but he writes . (good)

7. You should speak more . (soft)

8. The children behaved . (bad)

9. The brave men fought . (brave)

10. They lived together . (happy)

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ( #3 )

Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences merupakan kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan pengandaian suatu peristiwa yang belum terjadinya atau bahkan tidak mungkin terjadi. Kalimat pengandaian ini memiliki beberapa bentuk yang mewakili beragam bentuk waktu, dengan kata lain, bentuk kalimat pengandaian ini akan tergantung pada bentuk waktu peristiwa yang diandaikan. Berikut ini merupakan beberapa pola Conditional Sentences.
Conditional 1
1. IF + S + Present Tense, S + Future Tense
Contoh :
- If it doesn’t rain, I will go shopping.
Real Condition : It will probably rain or not,
so I will probably go shopping or not.

Conditional 2
2. If + S + Past Tense, S + Past Future
Contoh :
-If you came home earlier, I would make you a cake
Real Condition : You don’t come home earlier,
So I don’t make a cake for you.

Conditional 3
3. If + s + Past Perfect, S + Future Past Perfect
Contoh :
- If you had studied hard, you would have passed the exam.
Real condition : you didn’t study hard, so you didn’t pass the exam
I’ve got 15 questions of conditional sentences. In each question, please choose your answer marked a, b, c, d, and e that best fills the blank or that is closest in meaning to the provided sentence.

1. I’ve finished cleaning the house. But if Arini had not helped me, I ……………….. it so quickly.
     a. could never have done
     b. could never do
     c. have never done
     d. can never do
     e. can never have done
 2. If you took the clothes to the laundry now, they……………….
a. had washed
b. had been washed
c. will be washed
d. will wash
e. would be washed
3. If you ………………, I shall be very angry.
a. weren’t going
b. don’t go
c. hadn’t gone
d. had not been going
e. didn’t go
 4. If he had studied harder, he would have passed his examination.
     It means:
a. He studied harder.
b. He failed in his examination.
c. He has passed his examination.
d. He doesn’t study harder.
e. He succeeded in his examination.
5. He won’t come unless ……………. the bell.
            a. you wouldn’t ring
            b. you don’t ring
c. you ring
d. you had been ringing
e. you would have rung
 6. They climbed higher so that they got a better view.
     We can also say:
a. If they hadn’t climbed higher, they wouldn’t have got a better view.
b. If they didn’t climb higher, they wouldn’t get a better view.
c. If they didn’t climb higher, they didn’t get a better view.
d. If they didn’t climb higher, they won’t get a better view.
e. If they won’t climb higher, they don’t get a better view.
 7. If I come home now, my mother will punish me for breaking her favorite vase.
     We can also say:
a. I come home then my mother won’t punish me.
b. I don’t want to come home because my mother will punish me.
c. I won’t come home although my mother won’t punish me.
d. I don’t come home mother will punish me however.
e. I will come home but my mother will punish me.
 8. Had they invited fewer people, the party could have been held at their house.
     We may conclude that ……………….
a. It was only a small party.
b. Their house was crowded with people.
c. The party wasn’t held at their house.
d. The guests enjoyed the party at their house.
e. Not many of the invited people came.
 9. If I had known his number, I would have called him.
     It means:
a. I could call him because I knew his number.
b. I called him because I knew his number.
c. I don’t call him because I don’t know his number.
d. I didn’t call him although I knew his number.
e. I didn’t know his number so I didn’t call him.
 10. If you had listened to me, you would have been able to date her.
      It means:
a. You listened to me and you were able to date her.
b. You didn’t listen to me but you were able to date her.
c. You were not able to date her because you didn’t listen to me.
d. You listened to me but you were not able to date her.
e. You were able to date her because you listened to me.
 11. He would have toldyou if you had asked him.
       It means:
a. He told you because you asked him.
b. He will tell you if you ask him.
c. You didn’t ask him so he doesn’t tell you.
d. You won’t ask him so he doesn’t tell you.
e. He didn’t tell you because you didn’t ask him.
 12. If Made is not too busy, he will visit you in Jakarta.
      We may conclude that …………….
a. There is a possibility that Made will go to Jakarta.
b. Made has gone to Jakarta.
c. Made would go to Jakarta.
d. It’s unlikely that Made can go to Jakarta.
e. Made couldn’t go to Jakarta.
13. If the company’s personnel department had mailed the letter earlier, I would not have been too late               for the interview. We may conclude that ……………..
a. I didn’t want to be interviewed.
b. The company didn’t send the letter.
c. I went to the interview.
d. The letter came too early.
e. I missed the interview.
 14. It’s good that Ann reminded me about Joe’s birthday.
a. I would have forgotten it if she hadn’t reminded me.
b. I will forget it if she doesn’t remind me.
c. I might forget it if she doesn’t remind me.
d. I would forget it if she didn’t remind me.
e. I could forget it if she hadn’t reminded me.
 15. If someone had touched her purse, she …………….. her husband.
a. would have told it
b. would have told
c. will have told it to
d. had told it
e. would tell it
16. You wouldn’t pass the examination unless
       you ……..… hard 
       A. studiying
       B. studied           D. Studite
       Jawab: B
17. If he had played well, he ……..… won the
      A. would have   C. Is 
      B. could have     D. Are
      Jawab: A
18. They will come if you ……..… them 
        A. invited            C. Invite
        B. inviting           D. Invites
19. She ……..… type the letter if she had more
      A. would              C. can
      B. could                D. Was
 20. If he ……..… well, he would win the game
       A. play                  C. playing
       B. played               D. Plays


1.               S + Must + have + V3
Menyatakan suatu kesimpulan / kepastian tentang sesuatu yang 
Terjadi pada waktu lampau( past  conclusion )
Ex. The oil was frozen. It must have been very cold last night.
2.               S + Might + have + V3
Menyatakan kemungkinan pada waktu lampau. ( past possibility )
Ex. Lany came late this morning. She might have miss the bus.
3.               S + Should /  Ought to + have + V3
Menyatakan saran yang seharusnya dilakukan pada waktu yang
Lampau (pass suggestion).
Ex. Leni has an exam today but she saw the film last night. She
should have studied for her exam.
4.               S + have + have + V3
Menyatakan kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu di masa
lampau tapi tidak digunakan (past capability).

Please see the following sentences. Please mark C if it is CORRECT, and I if it is           INCORRECT.
1. May I borrow your book, please? <…..>C
2. I will to go to Semarang next week. <…..>C
3. She can not to visit that historic area. <…..>I
4. You may ride the motor cycle if you have Driving Lisence. <…..>I
5. Sheila can go to my house yesterday. <…..>C
6. Your glass is empty. …. I get you some more fresh water?
     A. shall
     B. will
     C. can
     D. should
7. We …. like to visit that new store some day.
    A. shall
    B. will
    C. can
    D. would
8. You are sick, but you don’t come  hospital to see a doctor.
    You …. visit him soon.
    A. would
    B. could
    C. should
    D. will
9. “I really don’t know why Tony didn’t come to the meeting”.
    “There ….. something wrong with him.
    A. might be
    B. could be
    C. will be
    D. must have been
10. “Rini is old enough. She …. know better than the others about it.
      A. will
      B. could
      C. must
      D. may be
11. My motorcycle runs out of oil. I ….buy it because I will ride it to the meeting.
      A. should
      B. may
      C. can
      D. must
12. Yanti looks so pale and weak. He must be sick. The underlined sentence means:
      A. He has to be sick
      B. Maybe he is sick
      C. It’s possible that he is sick.
      D. I conclude that he is sick
13. “I could have somebody else to carry the heavy bags” It means :
      A. I carried the heavy bags
      B  Somebody else carried the heavy bags for me
      C. I asked someone carry the heavy bags.
      D. I would carry the heavy bags myself.

Exercises :
14. They        study hard,because next April they will take the examination
A. Will                        B. Should                    C. Can

15. You ____ permit to your mother.if you go to school
A. Must                       B. May                        C. Mustn’t

16. She ____ come here tommorow.
A. Will                        B. Can                         C. Must
17. He ____ speak English well if  he took English course  .
A. Will                        B. Can                         C. Could

18. You seem to be having trouble there. ____I help you?
A. Would                    B. Will                         C. Shall
19. Teddy got a bed score for his examination, ____study hard for next
A. Should have studied  B. Could have studied       C. Might have studied
20. My father ____ play guitar when he was child
A. Shall                           B. Can                               C. Could

3.       Direct and inderct speech
Ada dua cara untuk mengungkapkan apa yang seseorang katakana  yaitu: langsung (direct) dantidak langsung (indirect/reported). Pada kalimat langsung, kita mengulangi ucapan pembicara (speaker) sama persis. Kalimat langsung biasanya digunakan dalam percakapan di dalam buku, drama, ataupun dalam tanda kurung.
Contoh: He said, ‘I have lost my umbrella.’
Kalimat langsung (direct) mempunyai dua bagian, yaitu: reporting sentence dan reported sentence. Reporting sentence adalah klausa yang berisisi apa yang berbicara, sedangkan reported sentence adalah klausa yang berisi apa yang dibicarakan.
Contoh: Mike said, “I will come to your house.”
reporting reported
Sedangkan, pada kalimat tidak langsung (indirect), kita mengungkapkan maksud ucapan pembicaradenga nungkapan yang tidak sama persis.
Contoh: He said (that) he had lost his umbrella.

A. Kalimat pernyataan (statement) pada kalimat tidak langsung (indirect)
Perubahan direct menjadi indirect pada statement ditandaidengan ‘that’.
Kalimat langsung yang reporting sentence-nya memiliki verb dalam bentuk present tense (simple present, present continuous, and present perfect atau future tense) maka tidak ada perubahan tenses pada reported sentence dalam bentuk tidak langsung (indirect). Ini biasanya terjadi apabila:
1. Melaporkan suatu percakapan yang masih berlangsung
2. Membaca surat dan melaporkan apa isi surat tersebut
3. Membaca perintah dan langsung melaporkannya pada waktu tersebut
4. Melaporkan pernyataan yang sering muncul

1.   The woman says to him: “you play the piano well.”
      The girl says to him that ………….
       a.  you play the piano well.
       b.  he play the piano well
       c.  he plays the piano well
       d.  he played the piano well

2.   “Did he leave a message for me?”
      “yes, he said………. tonight”.
              a.  he called you
                b.  he would call him
                c.  you called her
                d.  he would call you
3. “You mustn’t forget what I told you.”
                She told me ………..
                a.  that I hadn’t to forget what she had told me
                b.  that I didn’t have to forget what I had told her.
                c.  that I mustn’t have forgotten what I told you.
                d.  that I didn’t have to forget what she had told me
4.             Tony said to me: “Why does she sing so loudly?”
                a.  Tony said to me why does she sing so loudly
                b.  Tony asked me why did she sing so loudly.
                c.  Tony asked why does she sing so loudly
                d.  Tony asked me why she sang so loudly
5.             “How many pieces of bread can you eat?” She said
                a.  She said how many pieces of bread I can eat
                b.  She wanted to know how many pieces of bread you cculd eat
                c.  She asked how could I eat a lot of bread
                d.  She asked how many pieces of bread I could eat
6.             “Where did you go  four days ago?” John asked.
                Tony asked …….
                a.  where did I go four days ago
                b.  where I did go four days ago
                c.  Where I had gone four days before
                d.  where I had gone four days ago.
7.             “Did you have an   assignment last month? Father asked me
                Father asked me ……
                a.  did I have an assignment last month
                b.  I did have an assignment last month
                c.  if I had had an assignment the month before
                d.  if I did have an assignment the month before
8.             “Were you at the party last night?” Tony said.
                a.  Tony said that I was at the party the night be tofore
                b.  Tony wanted to know if he was at the party the night before
                c.  Tony asked me if I was at the party
                d.  Tony wanted to know if I had been at the party the night before
9.             Rudy said to me, “Can I help  you  find  a hotel?”
                a.  Rudy asked me if I could help her find a hotel
                b.  I wondered if my friend could help me find a hotel
                c.  Rudy said that I could help me find a hotel
                d.  Rudy asked me to find a hotel for him
10.          Siska says,” The sun rises every morning.”
                a.  Siska says that the sun rises every morning.           
                b.  siska said the sun morning
                c.  siska says asked the sun rises every morning        
                d.  every morning rises the sun askerdsiska.
11.          John says, “I’m trying to get a taxi.”
                a.  I’m get a taxi trying, john asked  
                b.  John says them trying to get a taxi.
                c. John says that he is trying to get a taxi.      
                d.  john asked to him trying                get a taxi.
12           The doctor said to me, "Stop smoking!".
                a.  The doctor told me to stop smoking.                         
                b.  The stop smoking doctor said.
                c.  The doctor asked me stop the smoking                    
                d.  doctor said told me stop smoking.
13.          "Get out of the car!" said the policeman.
                a. The policeman ordered the car                                   
                b. The policeman ordered him to get out of the car.
                c. The car get out said the policeman.
                d. policeman get out of the car.
14.           "Could you please be quiet," she said. 
                a.  She asked me how be quiet        c.  She asked me to be quiet
                b.  she said please quiet                    d.  why you quiet please
15.          The man with the gun said to us, "Don't move!"
                a.  The man with the gun warned us not to move. 
                b.  The man with the gun warned to moving.                
                c.   the gun warned us not move out  
                d.   the gun moving the man move
16.          "It would be a good idea to see the dentist", said my mother. 
    a.  My mother suggested I see the dentist.     c.  my mother hope dentist  good
    b.  good idea to see the dentist said my mother.    d. that I was see the dentist.
17. The dentist said, "I think you should use a different toothbrush".
a.  tootbrush should think the dentist.
b.  the dentist commen this should use different toothbrush.
c.  that I was not to forget different toothbrush.
d.  The dentist recommended that I should use a different toothbrush.
18.  My manager said, "I think we should examine the budget carefully at this meeting."
a.  my manager examined this meeting carefully.
b.  My manager proposed that we examine the budget carefully at the meeting.
c.  this meeting at carefully examine budget.
d.  this meeting we should manager examine budget carefully.
19.  "Why don't you sleep overnight at my house?" she said.
a.  She suggested that I sleep overnight at her house.
b.  she said suggested overnight at her house
c.  if I had sleeping overnight at my house.
d.  talk to me why you sleeping at my house overnight.
20.  "What is your name?" he asked me.
a.   He asked me what my name was.             c.  me asked to him your name.
b.   what is your name asked to me                  d.  what name your talk me.

4.       active passive
Kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris juga dinyatakan dalam voice. Voice adalah istilah tata bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan kata kerja dan subjek (pokokkalimat). Dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dua voice, yaitu active danpassive.Dalam kalimat passive, subjeknya dikenai atau menerima pekerjaan. Sedangkan kalimat active, subjeknya yang melakukansuatutindakanataupekerjaan.Kalimat passive dibentukdariduabagian: to be + past participle.
Contoh active verbs dalamkalimat:
- I write a letter.
- He is buying a car.
- I keep the butter in the fridge.
- They stole the painting.
- The executive committee approved the new policy.

Contoh passive verbs dalamkalimat:
- A letter is written by me.
- A car is being bought by him.
- The butter is kept in the fridge.
- The painting was stolen.
- The new policy was approved by the executive committee.

1.They were met by him yesterday
A. he met them yesterday           C. He was them yesterday
B. he are met them yesterday   D. He were them met yesterday
Jawaban: A. He met them yesterday
2. They have been met by him
A. he has will met them                C. He has met them
B. he was met them       D. He were met them
Jawaban: C He has met them
3. This plant had been watered by her for 5 minutes when I got here
A. she had watered this plant for 5 minutes when i got here
B. she have watered this plant for 5 minutes when i got here
C. she was watered this plant for 5 minutes when i got here
D. she were watered this plant for 5 minutes when i got here
Jawaban: A. She had watered this plant for 5 minutes when I got here
4. This plant was being watered by her.
A. she are watering this plant
B. she were wastering this plant
C. she was watering this plant
D. she will wastering this plant
Jawaban : C. She was watering this plant
5. They would be being met by him.
A. he would be meeting them
B. he could be meeting them
C. he are be meeting them
D. he are be met them.
Jawaban :A.He would be meeting them
6. All the books in the library______by the minister of Finance last year.
A. Were given             C. has given
B. gave                  D. give
7. It’s no use expecting an answer today, as your proposal_______by his mother.
A.had not yet been receive     C. will not have been received yet
B. is not receive yet                D. will receive
8. I became quite nervous when I knew that I would be _______by Mr. KusmanAji.
A. Was interviewing    C. interviewed
B. Interview                 D. Interviewing
9. The teacher told the students that they needed to revise their essays.
    The passive of the underlined clause is:
a. Their essays were needed to revise.
b. their essays were need to be revising.
c. Their essays were needed to be revised.
d. Their essays needed to be revised.
10. Tono wasn’t offered the job.
      We can also say:
a. Tono didn’t offer the job.
b. They don’t offer the job to Tono.
c. Tono was offering the job.
d. They were offering Tono the job.
 11. “Which paintings will be exhibited tomorrow?”
       “We don’t know yet. They …………………. by a team.”
a. are still being selected
b. are still selecting
c. still be selected
d. still selected
12. The street ……………………. when we passed yesterday.
a. has repaired
b. is being repaired
c. was being repaired
d. has been repaired
13. “When …………………?”
      “Before World War I”
a. this hospital to be built
b. was this hospital being built
c. this hospital built
d. was this hospital built
14. Find the passive form of “They will look after you well”.
a. You will be looked after well.
b. They will be looked after you well.
c. You will be well looked after.
d. You will be to be looked after by them well.
15. A well-known architect is designing our new office.
      The passive form is:
a. designs
b. designed
c. be designing
d. is designing
16. What is the active form of “English is spoken in the United States” ?
a. People in the US speak English.
b. In the US speak English.
c. Everybody speak English in the US.
d. Everybody spoke English in the US.
17. After the house ……………………. white, it looked beautiful.
a. had been painted
b. to be painting
c. had been painting
d. had painted
18. “What do people need for irrigation?”
       The passive construction of the sentence is:
a. What is needed for irrigation?
b. What is irrigation needed for?
c. What people are needed for irrigation?
d. what is for irrigation needed?
19. Although the stolen car ……………………. the police cannot trace the thieves.
a. is being found
b. has found
c. has been found
d. had found
20. The child told us he had been left alone by his step mother in the empty building.
       From the sentence above we know that:
a. The child had left his step mother alone in the empty building.
b. The child went to the empty building with his step mother, then she went away.
c. The child wanted to leave his step mother in the empty building.
d. The child had left his step mother before he went to the empty building.

5.       Questions tag
Question tags adalah pertanyaan singkat yang diikutkan pada akhir sebuah kalimat untuk membuat pertanyaan.
 Contoh: Kalimat:- She speaks English.
Pertanyaan:- Does she speak English?
Question Tag:- She speaks English, doesn’t she?
Bentuk: Question tag dibentuk dari sebuah kata kerja bantu dan subjek. Jika kalimat positif, kita biasanya menggunakan tag negatif, contoh:
               That’s a great song, isn’t it?
               She’s a lawyer, isn’t she?
Jika kalimat negatif, kita gunakan tag positif. Contoh:
               You‘re not busy, are you?
               This way isn’t right, is it?

1. She is a nurse, isn’t she?
2.   They are doctors, aren’t they?
3.   Andi is sick, isn’t he?
4.   This car is very expensive, isn’t it?
5.   Martha and his sister are beautiful, aren’t they?
6.   We can do it by ourselves, can’t we?
7.   Your father will fly to Medan, won’t he?
8.   You were my school friend, weren’t you?
9.    I am right, aren’t I?
10.  The cat is hungry, isn’t it?
11.          Handy likes swimming, doesn’t he?
12.          I’m your best friend, aren’t I?
13.          They work in our factory, don’t they?
14.          The boys know Mrs. Lynn’s address, don’t they?
15.          The man sells fruits, doesn’t he?
16.          We met them last night, didn’t we?
17.          You can handle it, can’t you?
18.          Your sister has a cute cat, doesn’t she?
19.          The tigers eat meat, don’t they?
20.          I have inviyou, haven’t I?

6.       Both and both of
We use both/neither/either for two things. You can use these words with a noun (both books, neither book   etc.). For example, you are talking about going out to eat this evening. There are two restaurants where you can go. You say:
        Both restaurants are very good. (not ‘ the both restaurants’).
        Neither restaurant is expensive.
        We can go to either restaurant. I don’t mind. ( either=one or the other, it doesn’t         matter which one)
  Both of... / neither of…/ either of…
When we use both/neither/either + of, you always need the …/ these/ those…/ my/ yours/ his/ Tom’s…. (etc.). You cannot say ‘both of restaurants’. You have to say ‘both of the restaurants’, ‘both of those restaurants’ etc. :
        Both of these restaurants are very good.

1. oth of the women…..from Jakarta.
a. are                                       c. was
b. come                                    d. is
2. All the wine….. in the dining room.
a. are                                        c. was
b. does                                     d. is
3. Do you like……
a. they both                             c. they all
b. them all                              d. are
4. ……those oranges are sweet.
A. both                                    c. none of
b. none                                    d. no
5. Both of…..attended the meeting last week.
a. us                                        c. we
b. your                                     d. they
6. we…….understand what is going on.
a. none of                                c. none
b. all of                                    d. all

7. A: how many student are there in the room?
a. all of us                                c. none
b. both of us                            d. no
8. Both…….are very interesting.
a. book                                     c. all
b. novels                                 d. of
9. You…..must arrive on time everyday
a. all of                                    c. all
b. no                                        d. none
10. Does he want to help……them?
a. no                                        c. none
b. both of                                d. of